Staff Writer
Ms. Georgia Day

Subjects: Grad Point and Intervention
Inspiration: Being a former Apex student, “Elizabeth Mata
(current Spanish teacher at Apex) because she made learning fun and
history: “A long time about 20
years.” Day previously taught at STEM Early College High School.
Best High School
Memory: Playing volleyball and
lettering in swimming her senior year at Apex. Also, competing in the Foreign
Language Competition with Ms. Mata.
What do you miss
about the “old” Apex? “The old school
colors- green and gold- the ones now are like Appalachian States’ colors which
is Western’s rival!”
Embarrassing High School Memory: “When
Ms. Mata asked to demonstrate the flamenco dance. I said no.”
Favorite Color:
“Red for N.C. State”
Favorite TV
Show: “Call the Midwife because it is about new life and people who can’t
afford medical care in Great Britain.”-