Features Editor
Just after the sabotaged Quarter-Quell, Katniss
finds herself stricken with nightmares and medically drugged in the District 13
hospital. Throughout the course of the film, she struggles to acclimate to her
life as the symbol of the rebellion. Those around her hold their breath to see
what their “mockingjay” becomes.
While the movie is filled with plenty of action, there are definitely more romantic aspects than in the previous films; this time however it is not revolving around the "star crossed lovers of District 12". Jennifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth show great chemistry while playing their characters Katniss Everdeen and Gale Hawthorne. Josh Hutcherson’s character, Peeta Mellark is not often seen in the film, but the few scenes he is in are truly powerful. Although she is not covered in over-the-top Capital clothing and makeup, Effie Trinket’s bubbly personality shines through thanks to the talented Elizabeth Banks. Woody Harrelson once again played Haymitch Abernathy, this time sober, flawlessly. Both Lawrence and Sam Claflin do an outstanding job at portraying their character’s confusion and grief from what has happened.
Lionsgate’s Mockingjay Part 1 is an outstanding production and a great movie for date night.