October 01, 2013

Spirit week details

Devon McCarroll
Staff Writer

Spirit Week is fast approaching (starts October 11) and I have the information you need to prepare for it and dazzle the judges.

Monday, everyone's favorite day, is America Day. Don your red, white, and blue garments and ooze patriotism. Be as creative as possible with your outfits. Incorporate every aspect of yourself: hair, makeup, nails, socks, hats,etc.
American Flag Royalty Free Stock Photography - Image: 5054567
American Face Paint. It's free
Tuesday's theme is Guys in Ties/ Girls in Pearls.This one is pretty self-explanatory. Guys, you should wear ties and girls get to accessorize with pearls. This day is basically an opportunity to let loose your inner Cary Grant/ Audrey Hepburn. So go have breakfast with your friend Tiffany and dress to impress on Tuesday.
Pearl Necklace Stock Photo - Image: 29215380
Be so classy that everyone will yell "mother of pearl!"

Bring out the suspenders and find your mom's old glasses from the 80's, because Wednesday is Inner Nerd Day. Update your vernacular with hip phrases such as, "Did I do that?" or "Jinkies!" 
"Think..think..think.. Brain Blast!"~ Jimmy Neutron
Thursday is #tbt (Throwback Thursday). Throwback Thursday, in today's vernacular, is when you post a picture of yourself from the past on a popular social media website.So,dress up as little you from the past. You know, back when Aeropostale was the place to shop and barbies/Power Rangers trumped just about everything.
Child Sweater Angy Hat Boy Stock Photo - Image: 19709050
Good idea for a costume: the old sweater you hated but your mom made you wear anyway.
Last but certainly not least, is Friday. Friday's theme is Spirit Day, so break out the black and gold and roar like a Cougar. Then be prepared to be loud and proud during the pep rally so your grade can win the coveted Spirit Stick.