April 08, 2014

Spirit week day 2

Shauna Hines and Mariane Gazaleh
Staff Writers

Day 2 of spring spirit week was twin day.
Ms. Huntley, Ms. Neff, and Ms. Barritt
Mr. Rothenburg, Ms. Gage, Ms. Fackler-Bretz, and Ms. Berkoben

Mariane, Shauna, Grace, and Natalia

Seniors Jennifer and Emily

Savannah and Abby
Courtney, Allison, Meredith, and Sarah
Seniors Leanna and Devon
Juniors Katie and Meredith
Juniors Aneri and Claudia
Ms. Caudill and Ms. White
Ms. Haynes and Ms. Smith

Ms. Muse and Ms. Brown
Seniors Kaileigh and Elise