Zane Muzzillo
Staff Writer
latest endeavor, Project Ara, is bringing something never before seen to the
smartphone industry. The company is developing a modular smart phone, which
will allow you to change out parts of your phone as they become outdated and
obsolete. This design will also allow you to build a custom phone that fits
your budget. Google has incorporated magnets into the new phone so you can slip
out any component from the camera to the processor. If you break the screen you
would have the ability to pop it off and replace it with a new one. The phones
design is based on Phonebloks, an independent phone design made by Dave
Hakkens. Google partnered with Hakkens to combine his designing ability with
their manufacturing power.
phone will come in three sizes, a 2x5 inch model, a 3x6 inch model, and a 4x7
inch model. Google is also undercutting its competitors’ prices, which will
start at $50, one-fourth the cost of the high end smart phones currently on the
market. Google is planning on releasing the phone early 2015.