Staff Writer
Apex High will be offering the following classes next year: Accounting 1, AP Microeconomics, AP Macroeconomics and Beginning Orchestra. “With more AP classes, we’re trying to help people get more AP credits, and expand to different areas where more people will be interested,” said Assistant Principal Jeanette Hill.
The new additions are due to a rise in the student population next year and increases in student interests. “We’re trying to do as much as we can appeal to everybody in the school. This year we added agriculture so that appealed to a certain section of students. So every time we add classes, we’re looking at certain sections of students,” said Hill.
The new additions are due to a rise in the student population next year and increases in student interests. “We’re trying to do as much as we can appeal to everybody in the school. This year we added agriculture so that appealed to a certain section of students. So every time we add classes, we’re looking at certain sections of students,” said Hill.

With the new classes, White wants to try to appeal to mainly rising upperclassmen, saying, “I think there is a population at this school who could benefit from having those kinds of courses. [The goal of this course] is to hopefully have a good amount of kids learn information so that they can get college credit.”