
May 18, 2015

Tips for rooming in college

Michael Lyday and Adam Mancini
Features Editor and Staff Writer

As you head off to college, one thing you'll need is a roommate, as most universities require freshmen to live on campus. Here are some tips from two future roommates on how to deal with this new experience.

1)      Plan what each person will bring before moving day. While some surprises can be good, if both of you show up with mini-fridges it could become an issue.
2)      When selecting a roommate, going with your best friend can be a risky move. You may be two peas in a pod right now, but it’s said you have to live with someone to truly know him or her.
3)      You’ll have to learn how to deal with conflicts that arise with your roommate. It is important to communicate and be upfront with your problems. Letting issues simmer only leads to contention and mistrust.
4)      Lay down some ground rules on day one. You should agree on a few basic rules, such as what (and who) is allowed in the dorm, what food belongs to whom, or what time to turn out the lights. This leads to fewer misunderstandings in the future.

5)      Don’t expect to be with your roommate 24/7. There will be time where one of you goes out without the other or one of you needs some time alone. Remember that you are both individuals and will need to go your own ways.