
May 12, 2015

State Board of Education cancels North Carolina Final Exams

Maya Horton
Staff Writer

The State Board of Education granted Wake County Public School Systems waiver to eliminate the North Carolina Final Exams in 2015. A waiver was requested by Wake County in early April, asking to withhold the North Carolina Final Exams this year, due to losing too many educational days from weather conditions.  The NCFE will be replaced by teacher made exams.  Due to the waiver, senior exemptions are now back on the table. Exemptions are based on the traditional tally of absences in relation to the grade in the class.  The EOC, EOG and AP tests are unaffected by this decision.  

CTE exams are going to be given on May 27 and May 28 with scheduling that will extend classes into three hour long periods with a single lunch.  A complete test schedule can be found on the Apex High School website detailing times.