
May 18, 2015

NHS inductees announced, ceremony to take place Thursday

Jessica Stiehm
Staff Writer

Over 200 students at Apex High School are being inducted into the National Honor Society on Thursday, May 21 at 7:00 p.m.

Selection into the National Honor Society is based on a student’s excellence in areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. In order to obtain admission into NHS, students must be an upperclassman, have a GPA of 3.60 or higher and complete at least 20 hours of volunteer service by the end of the school year. Apex High School’s chapter of NHS has monthly meetings to assure that members are completing their specific requirements. Tori McGee, Apex’s NHS Advisor, will enroll new members into a Blackboard course which will post weekly announcements.

Some tips for the induction ceremony are: Induction attendees are expected to wear formal attire and arrive twenty minutes early in the main gym. They must have attended the practice session at 2:30 p.m. earlier in the day. Certificates will be given to members of NHS as well as celebratory cupcakes.

Principal Diann Kearney will be giving a short speech during the ceremony.

Below is a list students eligible for NHS membership:

Qualified Sophomores:

Adams, Nathan
Amaniampong, Joshua
Anastasi, Mary
Backhouse, Sophie
Baker, Kathryn
Barghouthi, Jaad
Barrett, Lauren
Beaufort, Grayden
Belicic, Allyson
Benoit, Sarah
Benton, Kyle
Bergeron, Megan
Bishop, Luke
Blanton, Lauren
Boezeman, Matthew
Bohlmann, Anna
Borck, Jason
Bowyer, Abigail
Brown, Kearstyn
Brown, Sarah
Burk, Tiffany
Burke, Mary
Bush, Abigail
Campbell, Kelsey
Chartier, Miranda
Chiccotella, Alyssa
Cicin, Jack
Clayton, William
Colwell, Luke
Connor, Jacob
Conrad, Nicole
Conroy, Erin
Cortez, Eleanor
Credle, Anna
Creech-Pritchett, Julian
Cuany, Torin
Daggerhart, Brandon
Davis, Ashlynn
Dean, Carl
Debevec, Allison
DeFazio, Rebecca
DellaMaestra, Ethan
DellaMaestra, Jared
Deters, Madison
Diacumakos, Alexandria
Dorcelien, Jessica
Duncan, Sarah
Dunn, Sarah
Easow, Justin
Eccles, Gennifer
Edwards, Jesse
Ferrell, Jerry
Floryanzia, Sydney
Foote, Ethan
Freed, Christopher
Fuko, Jessica
Fulkerson, Graci
Galvin, Samantha
Gandhi, Poorna
Garwatoski, Ashley
Gascoigne, Emily
Ghazaleh, Dawud
Gilliam, Jessica
Goetz, Trevor
Grant, Tierra
Griffin, Kaylie
Hager, William
Hajnos, Sarah
Hansen, Amanda
Harden, Sadie
Harrell, Margo
Hassan, Laboni
Hazard, Daniel
Hofmeister, Kylie
Houston Hill, Ny’Asia
Hudson, Garrett
Huntington, Alexis
Hutto, Hailey
Inness, Megan
Iori, Gabrielle
Iturralde, Caitlin
Joyce, Joseph
Justice, Jacob
Kay, James
Kearns, Leanne
Kenney, Patrick
Kepley, Camryn
Kolb, Abigail
Koshy, Marissa
Kron, Emily
Laino, Savannah
Laws, Rachel
Leonard, Alexander
Lindesmith, Olivia
Loftus, Elizabeth
Long, Adam
Lopez, Kaitlin
Lukas, Zoe
Lund, Elizabeth
Lynch, Emma
Manganaro, Madeline
Martin, Sarah
McCaskill, Aley
McMillan, Kamya
Melech, Natalie
Mihaliak, Nikolas
Mills, Hannah
Misuraca, Megan
Mitchell, Madison
Mobley, Megan
Moore, Colton
Morgan, Georgia
Morrison-Jones, Detrich
Murray, Spencer
Oates, Olivia
O’Connor, Victoria
Orelien, Valexa
Owings, Madison
Pal, Radhika
Pancholi, Lagni
Patil, Tanvi
Patrocinio, Isabella
Poliachik, Shelby
Pompeo, Alec
Porter, Samuel
Poteat, Samantha
Rhew, Justin
Rhoades, Madison
Robinson, Alexander
Rodgers, Sydney
Rodriguez, Noelia
Rutledge, Noah
Sakyi-Nyante, Samantha
Samuel, Luke
Sartin, Emily
Sarwar, Tasnia
Sasser, John
Sathish, Meenakshi
Savino, Benjamin
Schmalzbauer, Meghan
Schmedding, Brent
Schuh, Kimberly
Senthilkumar, Sneha
Shankar, Abhishek
Sholtis, Mary
Shugg, Connor
Singh, Angad
Smith, Kayla
Smith, Sloan
Steele, Alexandria
Stiehm, Jessica
Stovall, Rebecca
Strickler, Abby
Sudhaker, Neha
Tarlton, Josie
Tharrington, Lauren
Tinajero-Fuentes, Abraham
Tutka, Thaddeus
Wall, Hailey
Weaver, Morrison
Wiegmann, Amelia
Wiegmann, Theresa
Williams, Keaton
Wing, Michael
Worthington, Ashlyn
Wright, Allison
Young, Abigail

Qualified Juniors:

Andrea, Breanna
Beyer, Emily
Bowdon, Andrea
Boyd, Grayson
Bramante, Lauren
Burns, Joseph
Bytnar, Samuel
Cheek, Logan
Cheng, Kevin
Cullen, Andrew
Davis, Nathan
DeFreece, Alexis
DeNardo, Ashley
Devenouges, Cassidy
Downs, Sara
Drake, Allison
Finnegan, John
Flowers, Lindsey
Foss, Joshua
Gaudioso, Cara
Gibson, Andrew
Gleason, Brett
Godlewski, Kathryn
Goff, Clare
Gregory, Jacob
Gretsch, Rhys
Guemple, John
Johnston, Ryan
Kim, Hwa
King, Hailey
Kong, Travis
LeMoine, John
Luther, Rebekah
Mares-Paniagua, Roberto
Marrott, Madison
Martin, Todd
McClure, Alex
Medero Sierra, Joyce
Meister-Meredith, Therese
Moss, Caroline
O’Donnell, Finlay
Passio, Kyle
Penry, James
Phenix, Nash
Polo Espinoza, Angello
Schulte, Jessica
Shaikh, Sophia
Shaw, Autumn
Siemon, Addison
Silk, Anthony
Small, Cameron
Smith, Haylee
Thomas, Bailey
Tuck, Lauren
Weaver, Samuel

Wright, Hunter