
May 13, 2015

Diann Kearney reflects on past few weeks

Alexandria Sands
Arts & Entertainment Editor

Diann Kearney began her position as principal on May 1. Upon Kearney’s arrival, she has found herself faced with many challenges. “It’s been really busy, as you might imagine. Coming to a new school the beginning of May, the busiest time of the year, it’s been a little bit challenging,” said Kearney. “I’m trying to walk around, go into every class several times, and meet teachers; then, remember what their name is, what they teach, and where they teach.”

Kearney expressed her impression of Apex so far, saying “I like how everyone is very friendly and the entire community is welcoming. They seem to be very patient and understand that it's going to take me a little while to learn the ‘Apex way.’ So far, it’s been really good.”

As far as changes go, Kearney doesn't have anything too dramatic planned. “At this time, I don't have any major changes on my list of things to do. We are talking about some adjustments, just to make things go more smoothly. I’m sure that after we go through this month and graduation that we might have some reflections of things that we can adjust, but I don't anticipate any significant changes.”

Kearney is thinking of smaller adjustments that could benefit the school. “I think certainly any administrator that comes into a building is going to look at student achievement and think about ‘how can we improve, not only the number of students who are going to graduate, but student achievement, student grades, student performance?’ So, there are some things, certainly, that we can adjust.”

Apex High School is planning to lose 250 students to Apex Friendship High next year. “There will be some things that look and feel different just because of the transition to Friendship. We are going to make some adjustments when people leave. There will be some new staff members, somewhat fewer students.”

When asked about dress code, Kearney said “that question always comes up.” Kearney said she doesn't know where the rumor, that she is banning leggings and Nike shorts came from but she “encourages good judgement when getting dressed to come to school.” She expressed that her biggest issue when it comes to dress code is shirts being longer than shorts. “I encourage female students to dress appropriately, so I should be able to see the shorts under the shirt.”

Seniors have been concerned with the graduation plans since former principal, Matthew Wight, announced his move to Friendship. “We are working on the program right now. Mr. Wight is going to be there with us and he is going to assist with the distribution of the diploma covers actually,” said Kearney.

“There will be a couple other special guests- school board members, our superintendent, and other members of the leadership team. I’ll be there,” assured Kearney.