
April 23, 2015

Tips to overcome senioritis

Aaron Koch
Staff Writer

Like many high school seniors I wake up as late as possible, shower, then drive to school as a surrogate corpse whose sole function is to attend school. Because of exemptions, most seniors do show up every day, but their efforts aren't always exemplary. We're coming to the end of a very long tunnel, it can be hard to care. Unfortunately for those who cannot find the motivation to cure their apathy, their chance of graduation might be at risk. Here are some things that might help:

1.      Make a goal

If you have a reason to go to school then you will. Pick an applicable goal of your knowledge, find a way to make sure that the classes you are taking now will help you in the future. Maybe if civics taught me how to file a tax return, I might have actually shown up.

2.      Feel empowered

I feel that one of the main reasons for not attending or slacking in school is because it makes the student feel empowered. It’s senior year, you’re probably 18 and you still have to ask to go to the bathroom? It’s insulting, I know. So for your senior year, try to do tasks not because the teacher told you, but because you chose to do so.

3.      Make friends

Not to say that you don’t already have friends, but you won’t attend class if you won’t have fun going. Find people in the class that you enjoy talking to, it might help motivate you to actually go to class.

4.      Grow up

Not going to school will only hurt you. Life is full of unappealing obligations, but not going isn’t going to prove how ready you are for life outside of high school. It will only show that you aren’t ready for the day-to-day tasks of adulthood.

High school is tedious, but nobody’s proving anything by not graduating or getting rejected by a formerly accepting college.  I’m not asking you to get straight A’s, but all that needs to be done is to go to class. If you go to class you will pass and graduate and that’s all you need. So wake up, put clothes on and show up. Fortunately, you will pass most of your classes if you just show up and pay attention.