
March 13, 2015

Apex Science Olympiad team places first at regionals

Natalia Ghan
Staff Writer

Captains Meera Nagaraj, Tanya Qureshi, and Adam Zeid led the Apex High School varsity and junior varsity Science Olympiad teams to place at the top of the regional competition at Campbell University on Saturday February 7. With their regional win the varsity members will advance to the state competition at N.C. State on April 25. This is the third year in a row that Apex has placed first at regionals. The team met twice a month to work on the computer and collaborate with partners. Carol Bost, the team sponsor, describes the dynamics as “a highly supportive team with very independent captains.” Captain Nagaraj affirms that, “These last two years I have learned how to be a leader. We all worked together to make sure everyone was on top of things.”

Members of this year’s team reflected positively on the year. Senior Simran Koura competed in the “Cell Biology” event at regionals and explains how, “It relates to medicine which is a field I’m considering as a career.” Koura says she also enjoyed the teamwork and learning process. Sophomore Michael Carter competed in the “Scrambler,” event and hopes to improve his machine for states. “I was building my scrambler two nights before the competition, and I’m definitely going to make some changes.” Sophomore Skanda Sastry competed for the junior varsity team, but placed first overall (including all varsity teams) in the “Crave the Wave” event. Sastry says he has not only enjoyed competing, but experienced “practical science beyond what is taught in the classroom.” He will be competing as a member of the varsity team on April 25 at N.C. State. The team hopes to place higher than previous years, upholding their philosophy, “Make it Win.”