
February 06, 2015

RadioShack going out of business after over 94 years

Dylan Tastet
Staff Writer

RadioShack will most likely close its doors in a bankruptcy deal that will sell half of its stores to Sprint Cellular.  Its stock has plummeted to under $1 a share and it can neither afford to close its stores nor keep them open.

RadioShack was established in 1921 as a mail-order catalogue for amateur radio hobbyists and maritime communications officers. By the 80’s it had expanded to a large network of brick-and-mortar stores that were seen as a destination for computer parts and devices that were hard to find at the major retailers.

However, RadioShack has had trouble adapting to the modern consumer electronics industry. Many of their products are for a niche market of DIY electronics hobbyists, a market that is largely dominated by online retailers.

RadioShack’s stock tumbled to $0.24 a share on January 26, meaning that it has lost about 90 percent of its value since last year.

RadioShack has been in talks with Sprint cellular to propose a sale or a dual-branding agreement, but executives have said that RadioShack faces bankruptcy if it fails to make an agreement by the end of the fiscal year.