
December 17, 2014

Apex fire chief retires

Sarah Ford
Staff Writer

After serving Apex for 12 years, Apex fire chief Mark Haraway is retiring. Haraway has been a firefighter for 35 years and has served in Virginia and across North Carolina. Incoming chief, Keith McGee, is coming from the Rocky Mount Fire Department, where he has served for 23 years. There were over 160 applicants for the job from across the country.

When asked if there was anything that Haraway would like to share with the students of Apex High School, he said, “Many times I have had to respond to incidents involving teenagers.  Many unnecessary accidents that could have been prevented.  I would have to say, don’t drink and drive; alcohol and a motor vehicle do not go together.  Don’t text and drive.  Both had led to so many unnecessary tragedies.”

With his retirement, Haraway and his wife plan to travel and he hopes to “further his hobby of woodworking.” In the spring, he plans to spend some time in the Great Smoky Mountains.