
November 24, 2014

Miss Honduras murdered by sister's boyfriend

Mae Turney
Staff Writer

Maria Jose Alvarado, also known as Miss Honduras, was killed just two days before she was scheduled to represent her country in the 2014 Miss World pageant. Alvarado and her sister, Sofia Trinidad, were reported missing on November 13 after not returning home from Trinidad’s boyfriend’s birthday party. Witnesses say they last saw the sisters leaving the party in a vehicle without any license plates. Police began looking for the two girls and initially narrowed the suspects down to four men.  

Trinidad’s boyfriend Plutarco Ruiz, eventually admitted to shooting the girls in a fit of jealous rage after seeing Trinidad dancing with another man at his party, and led the police to the bodies early Wednesday morning. The bodies were uncovered in a remote gravesite 240 miles away from Honduras’s capital. Police identified the bodies, murder weapon, and the vehicle in which the bodies were carried to their hiding place, concluding that Trinidad was shot first, and Alvarado was shot twice as she attempted to flee the scene.  

Teresa Munoz, the sisters’  mother says that Ruiz called her the morning after the party, appearing to be extremely worried about the girls’ disappearance, and joined her on the trip to the police station to report them missing. Claudio Munoz, the girls’ uncle said,   "We didn't file a complaint right away because we were waiting for a telephone call asking for ransom. On Saturday their mother and I went to put in a complaint,  and the killer was with us."

Honduras has the highest murder rate of any country not at war, with 95 killings per 100,000 people. The country’s streets are overrun with drug trafficking and gangs, forcing many unaccompanied minors to escape the violence by migrating to the United States.

The Center for Women’s rights based in the Honduras’s capital confirmed that the deaths of the beauty queen and her sister were just two of 328 female murders in 2014, and says, “the Honduran government does the absolute minimum to stop these things from happening, as well as when punishing the people responsible.”

This crime that police are referring to as an “act of passion” committed by Ruiz, resulted in the loss of a woman who aspired to be a diplomat, and initially took on a modeling career to support her struggling family.