
October 17, 2014

Peak Week 2014: America Day

Grace Fendrick, Sarah Kebea, 
Maya Horton, Mae Turney, and Katie Mazanec
Features Editor, Arts and Entertainment Editor, and Staff Writers

Andrew Fiorentino(12)                                    Brayden Lauffer(12)
Jacob T, Louis C, Katie D, Kathy W, Mackenzie H,
 Jonah C, Davis D, Tyler H, and Ben S(all 12th) 
Hailey Loftin(11), Soren Bradley(11)
Jeremy Flynn, Grace Fendrick, Zsolt Fekete(all 11)
Some people even decorated their cars for the day!
Ms. Pittelli and Ms. Kite
McKenna Harbour(10) 
and Connor Monroe(11)
Mrs. Knall's first period English III class
Bre Andrea(11)                    Jacob Kelley(9)