
September 17, 2014

New Teacher: Jessica Boone

Mae Turney
Staff Writer

Miss Jessica Boone 
College: Colorado State for Undergraduate and N.C. State for her Master’s Degree
Subject: American History II
Inspiration: “I had two amazing teachers in high school, one taught history, and the other taught science. I also realized how much fun I had when I tutored kids, and knew that I was good at it.”
Best high school memory: “The homecoming parade of my freshman year, because my volleyball team was really great, and we got to be in the parade”
Most embarrassing high school memory: “When I fell down the stairs in the cafeteria, and I was wearing a skirt which went up over my head, everyone saw, and of course no one helped me up!”
Family: Mom, Dad, and one sibling, and a little brother.
Best Concert: Boone said that the best concert she’s ever been to is a tie between a Keith Urban and a Luke Bryan concert. “My sister-in-law got some of Keith Urban’s sweat on her, and I was pretty jealous.”