
April 22, 2014

Google Glass shows promise after one day sale

Nicholas Chupka
Staff Writer

Google Glass was put on sale to the public for the first time last Tuesday and almost immediately sold out their off-white color model. The glasses cost $1,500 and were only on sale to U.S. residents who were 18 or older.

The device functions similarly to how a smart phone would: taking pictures, making phone calls and even allowing users to browse the Internet.

Despite the major success of the one day sale, Google has already made the decision to eliminatie some features such as video recording in a future update.

However, the Glass’ sales record isn’t the only feat accomplished so far. Already, Google Glass is showing promise as a valuable asset in the medical field. Using the technology, Boston doctors were able to look up a man’s medical history during an operation, enabling them to treat him with the correct medication that may very well have saved his life.