
March 25, 2014

WCPSS builds new schools to ease overcrowding

Natalia Ghan
Apex Friendship construction site
as of March 18.
Staff Writer

Apex High School has held its frame together since the 1970s, but time has come for some refurbishing. The home of the Cougars is scheduled to be renovated in 2017. Students and staff will temporarily move to Green Level High School for the year. Construction of Green Level High School has not yet begun. Plans to renovate Apex High School include tearing down A Building in its entirety as well as building a new gym and auditorium.

As of right now, only $5 million have been allotted to Apex High School for preliminary planning. A majority of the funds will have to come from a second bond, as the entire renovation process will cost around $100 million. 

Although over half of students surveyed commented that they would be upset to move part way through high school, many issues with the school were also listed. Freshman Connor Trevaskiss expressed his complaints about the boys’ bathrooms in the pods. “Many of the toilets work, and the lights randomly shut off.”Freshman Allie Debevec commented on the presence of cockroaches throughout the school and grubs in the auxiliary gym. And according to freshman Salem Tedder, “you can feel the staircase next to the courtyard shake if enough people walk on it.”

In addition to Apex High School being renovated and Green Level High School being built, the construction of Apex Friendship High School is also underway. Friendship is scheduled to open in 2015. Districts are yet to be reassigned. Principal Matt Wight believes that, “Apex High School is extremely overcrowded. It was originally supposed to hold 1,800 students, but that number is now up to 2,500.” The new schools, once built, will help relieve the issue of overcrowding.

Changes are coming to Apex High School, and some would argue that they are long overdue. Freshman Kylie Hofmeister says she is looking forward to her upperclassman years, and despite the possibility of being reassigned to Friendship in 2015, says, “Wherever I end up, I’m sure there will be plenty of familiar faces.”