
March 12, 2014


Mariane Ghazaleh
Staff Writer

This winter, North Carolina’s weather has been all over the radar with storms, snow, and lots of ice. With the numerous snow days, many classes have fallen behind. AP teachers know they need to finish the curriculum before the AP exams begin in May, and the students have more work piled on them each week. Juniors and seniors who take multiple AP classes are now finding themselves under lots of stress. What everyone needs to remember is to RELAX! Easier said than done of course, but here are some tips to help de-stress:

      Play that music hard and loud.
Music is good for the soul. Blast your favorite station on the radio in the car, in your room, or anywhere for that matter. Sing along to your favorite songs and let the music consume you. Really listening to the harmonies, different instruments, and inspiring or funny lyrics can help you to keep calm and carry on. If you’re a musician – whip out that instrument and play your favorite licks. Bang on a guitar or toot a horn. Do what you do best and keep your confidence up. 

Physical activity burns away the chemicals that cause stress, and releases chemicals in the brain that make you feel refreshed, healthy and relaxed. During physical activity, ease your mind by thinking about making it to the finish line or check point instead of focusing on your work load and responsibilities. Exercise also helps you sleep better at night – the combination of the exercise and sleep is a great way to de-stress.

You have to laugh so as not to cry. Smiling and being positive are good ways to relieve some stress. Watch your favorite comedy, tell cheesy jokes with your friends, and spend time looking back at funny pictures from trips with family and friends. Laughing and being with people reminds you that life is not all bad, and all the classes you have are just another stepping stone in the big picture of life.