
February 26, 2014

ACT tips

Shauna Hines
Staff Writer

Juniors, the ACT is in two weeks on Tuesday, March 18. Take advantage of this opportunity because the school is providing you with a chance to take a college entrance exam that can be used on college applications, and it’s FREE.

4 Reasons Why I Took The ACT
ACT logo
The ACT consists of reading, writing, math, and science sections. In preparation, take online practice tests and review basic math and science concepts. If there is a particular topic you struggle with most, focus on that section while taking practice exams. However, do not stress. Some people prefer the SAT over the ACT, so take this opportunity to find out which test better suits you.

There will be 15 minute breaks between testing sections, so bring snacks because the testing session will last at least three hours.

Some test day tips are to eat a wholesome breakfast, drink a little caffeinated tea, and eat a piece of chocolate before the exam. This will help you focus and give you energy to stay awake through the test.

Remember to bring #2 pencils, your school ID, and a calculator, but do not bring your phone. If it goes off during the test, the test will not count for everyone in the session.

For more information or test preparation materials, visit