
November 15, 2013

Apex kicks off College Awareness Week

Adam Mancini
Staff Writer

CFNC will be offering free applications during the week.
Beginning Monday November 18 and stretching through Friday November 22, Apex High School will engage in College and Career Awareness Week, where students can explore their post secondary education options and attempt to discover their future careers. The week coincides with CFNC’s College Application Week, when seniors will have an opportunity to apply to certain private colleges for free, including Wake Forest and Davidson. (Refer to the Apex High School website for the full list of colleges that will be offering free applications). School counselor Melissa Schwartz says that teachers will also be participating. “All week long, all of our teachers will be wearing their college stuff. [College and Career Awareness Week] allows teachers to bring a real world application to what they are teaching.” Seniors seeking more information may visit their counselors during lunch.

On Monday, there will be a North Carolina Triangle Apprenticeship Program presentation for juniors at 8:30 a.m. in the cafeteria. Any junior who wishes to participate should sign up in student services.

During fourth period on Tuesday, there will be a Career College Promise via Wake Tech info session for juniors and seniors in the cafeteria. This program allows students to get an early jump on college by enrolling them in courses at Wake Tech.

On Wednesday, a video will be shown during homeroom called “How to Ruin Your Life Online via Social Media.” Homeroom teachers will also be encouraged to discuss educational and career paths with students. During lunches, the State Employees Credit Union will be available in the commons area to answer any questions about financial aid or savings in general.

All students who signed up to take the ASVAB will take the test on Thursday during first and second period. Also, Ashlie Thompson, principal of Wake County CTE High School will be giving a presentation for freshmen and sophomores at 1 p.m. in the cafeteria. Interested students can sign up in student services.

Finally, on Friday Wake Tech advisor Wes Clifton will be giving a presentation for seniors who have indicated an interest in attending Wake Tech at 8 a.m. in room 109. Mid-year grads attending Wake Tech will be included also.

“It’s a fun, laid back week. It’s an opportunity to learn about the future,” said Schwartz. She hopes that College and Career Awareness Week will help to alleviate some of the many concerns seniors may have regarding their post secondary options, and overall remove a lot of stress from the whole process.