
October 25, 2013

Science Olympiad show their savvy

Michael Lyday
Staff Writer

The team poses with their trophy.
Every year, a competition with twenty-three events takes place with junior varsity and varsity teams from high schools across the state competing for a chance to advance to the state championship. But this is no Olympic decathlon where athleticism and endurance win the day. It is rather the test of knowledge and cunning that is Science Olympiad.

Students receive the chance to compete in many scientific fields based on their interests. Events range from test-taking to lab studies to building, including anatomy and physiology, astronomy, and even creating and launching bottle rockets. Many participants partake in two events, while some take part in three or even four.

Senior Yuming Shi, co-captain of the team, participates in the chemistry lab, “shock value” (a lab in which participants build a circuit), and material science, a science field that applies the properties of matter to engineering. “Everyone enjoys science and we’re all motivated,” Shi said of the team.

Apex’s team was reinstituted three years ago after a ten year hiatus. “Back then [before the hiatus] we were in a different division with the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics and Enloe, so it was tough,” said Carol Bost, the club sponsor. “But the students came to me and were very eager to start the team back up.”

The team was quick to return to form, finishing first place in their division and going to the state finals last year. “You get to spend two days at N.C. State and meet people from all over,” Shi said. “Plus, it’s always nice to win.”