
March 26, 2013

This year's prom dress styles

Rebekah Gould
Staff Writer

Prom is just around the corner, and finding a dress can be difficult. Here are some 2013 prom trends that’ll help.

One shoulder: The one shoulder strap is very popular this year.
Many of the straps include ruffles or rosettes.   

Lace: You can have a completely lace dress, or
choose a gown with lace accents. Lace will
give the dress a graceful appearance.

Ruffles: To add some texture and movement to
your look, think ruffles. They won’t be hard to find.

High-Low: This unique-length dress started as a
hipster trend, but is now available as formal wear.

Long: Although short dresses are more popular for
casual occasions, long dresses provide an added elegance.