
March 26, 2013

Spring into volunteering

Casey Nash
Staff Writer

Spring is here and so is the time for giving. Whether it’s for club hours or just to do something productive with your free time, there are tons of volunteering opportunities. Here are some of the many options:

Fire Hydrant Painting

Firefighters will go with volunteers to paint fire hydrants in different parts of Apex on Saturday mornings. This is a great activity for people of all ages to get out and do something helpful and productive for their community.

Fire Truck Washing

Fire truck washing is a great opportunity for families to volunteer together. The fire department has all of the necessary soap and water, just show up with a ready attitude.

Landscaping/Outdoor Activities

There are many opportunities to assist with outdoor projects, such as mulching Apex’s parks and trails. This is a good outdoor activity to do something rewarding while getting some fresh air.

Special Events

Volunteers are needed for special events like PeakFest on May 4th, the Olde Fashioned 4th of July, and many of the events at the Halle Cultural Arts Center. There are multiple different jobs to do within the special events of Apex which are good for community service hours.

Storm Drain Marking Program

Volunteers adhere watershed specific markers on storm drains throughout the town to remind citizens about the importance of storm water pollution prevention. This program is great to put on college applications.

Youth Athletics Coaching

All Apex Youth Athletics coaches are volunteers. Training is provided for coaching or assisting with youth baseball, softball, basketball, soccer, tennis and girls volleyball. This is a great, fun way to reconnect with the youth of Apex.

For more information or to sign up, go to the town of Apex website at