
March 22, 2013

Au revoir!

Matt Wotus
Features Editor

Come Spring Break, a handful of Apex High students, including myself and News Editor John Santos, will travel to France to complete an exchange program with École-Saint-Martin-de-France, a private college and high school in Pontoise, a city about 35 miles north of Paris. Students from Saint Martin spent two weeks at Apex earlier this month, visiting local universities, museums, and attractions.  

We leave Friday, March 29, landing in Paris the next morning after a stop in Toronto. Saint Martin is a Catholic school, and since March 31 is Easter Sunday, students have Monday off from school, meaning we will spend the three-day weekend with our host families. For the most part, the French celebrate the holiday like Americans. Many people go to church services, and major cities are usually pretty quiet, as most government offices and businesses are closed. Popular dishes the French prepare for the occasion include roast lamb with harvested vegetables, brightly colored boiled eggs, and omelets. While overseas we will also experience French education, sitting in classes for four hours on two occasions.

The most exciting part of the trip will no doubt be the two days we spend in Paris. While in the beautiful city, we will tour the Musée (Museum) d'Orsay, l’Opéra (Opera) Garnier, and the Louvre, as well as take a cruise on the Seine. No trip to France would be complete without visiting and climbing the Eiffel Tower. We will also spend time shopping at a couple of malls in France, including le Centre Commercial des Trois Fontaines (the Mall of the Three Fountains).

Food is another aspect of the trip that we are looking forward to. For main meals, we aren’t sure what or where we will be eating, as it will most likely be up to the host families. One thing is for sure though: desserts and other sweets will be consumed frequently. The French are known for their desserts, with dishes such as Crème Brûlée and Mousse captivating people all around the world.

We leave France on Saturday, April 6, returning home later that day. Both Santos and I will write about our experiences for Legacy when school resumes after Spring Break.