
February 27, 2013

The Door of Doom

Matt Wotus
Features Editor 

The door of doom
Imagine you are walking down the hallway in the Pods, when all of a sudden you get smacked in the nose by a door swinging open in front of Pod G. After cleaning your bloody face, you see the person behind the door of doom. Depending on the time of day, it could either be Adam Oltmans, teaching his first period AP European class, or Adam White, teaching his fourth period AP Macroeconomics class. This door of doom is different from all other doors in the Pods, as it opens out into the hallway rather than opening inward. Oltmans said that the door does have him worried. “It makes me concerned for the safety of the hall wanderers,” he said. “If I open that door, I have no way of knowing who is there, and may seriously injure someone who is unsuspecting.” 

If the door of doom were to strike upon a student, Oltmans would be heartbroken. “I’d be sad. It would hurt my heart, man. I don’t think I could bounce back from that. PTSD man,” he said. As for fixing the problem, Oltmans said changes were necessary. “If we could get a door that slides [like the one in] Star Trek, that’d be pretty sweet. Or switch it so it opens safely for everyone.”