
November 28, 2012

Former Apex student publishes first book

Matt Wotus

After two years of writing, former Apex High student and Legacy writer Frank Campisano IV has published a novel called Project Nova. The current Elon University freshman describes the book as resembling a high budget Hollywood movie. He added, “But at its heart, it’s something deeper, an exploration of human psyche and relationships. There’s an element of presentation involved, dressing up the story I’m telling in a way that will actively engage readers.”

 “It’s the best feeling in the world [to publish a book]. It’s a sense of total completion, an achievement that is the end result of a long journey,” said Campisano. Even though it was a long journey, he said that he received much support from his friends and family. “There was a lot of support, definitely, but it comes in varying levels of sincerity,” said Campisano. He added that it isn't unreasonable for some people to be doubtful, as writing a novel is a rather large task, but once he had something to show for it, “everyone was singing a different tune.”

Campisano said that there were no major setbacks while writing the novel, just periods of time where he made little progress on it. The hardest part, he said, was revision. “There are entire story arcs that ended up on the cutting room floor because I honestly don’t know what I was thinking when I wrote them,” Campisano said.

Campisano also offered advice to aspiring young writers. “Just go out there and do it. If you've got a story to tell, tell it. There are literally no barriers in this day and age to creating art. You’re the only one standing in your way,” he said.

Those interested in learning more about Project Nova or purchasing it can find the novel on Amazon in both paperback and eBook edition