
May 25, 2012

Athletes of the Year

Taylor Adcox 
Features Editor

The 2011-2012 academic year has seen its fair share of amazing athletic performances by the many student athletes at Apex. However, two athletes have stood out with their accomplishments both on and off of the field. Seniors Kyle May and Audrey Diener are this year’s Legacy Athletes of the Year.
Kyle May has been on the Apex
baseball and football teams.
Kyle May has been a member of both the baseball and football team during his high school career, seeing success in both sports. As the baseball team’s catcher, May has been part of some big moments. “My favorite memory would be being the winning run against Green Hope this year in baseball when Austin Debevec hit a walk off single,” says May.

May’s achievements are not limited to the baseball diamond. “My biggest accomplishment [in high school] has been just recently winning third at DECA Nationals with Mark Tate,” says May.

In college, May plans to continue playing sports. “I will be playing baseball at Louisburg College,” says May.

Audrey Diener pole vaults for Apex.
The 2011-2012 female Athlete of the Year is Audrey Diener, Apex’s star pole vaulter. Diener started vaulting when she was a freshman. “I got into pole vaulting…when I saw an article in the newspaper about a vaulting club in Cary that had recently started up,” says Diener. “I went there and started learning,” she added.
Diener found success throughout her high school vaulting career. “My biggest accomplishment…has definitely been breaking records every year,” says Diener. However, Diener does not take all of the credit for her achievements. “I have been really lucky I have Coach [Mark] Trezona at the school,” says Diener. “He’s one of the best coaches I could have had and I cannot thank him enough,” she continues.
Diener plans on pole vaulting in college. “I signed at App State for a vaulting scholarship two months ago, so I will be going there as a full time student athlete this fall,” says Diener. She plans to major in exercise science.
Both of the 2012 Legacy Athletes of the Year are exceptional on and off of the field. Whether they are setting athletic records or setting an example in the classroom or community, Audrey Diener and Kyle May are some of Apex’s best.