
March 29, 2012

Scholar Artists: Henry Boyd

Paige Smith
Staff Writer

Henry Boyd poses for a picture.
Henry Boyd has been playing the clarinet with the school band since sixth grade. He has been on the honor roll for the majority of his high school career and is a National Merit Scholar Semifinalist. He enjoys physics and chemistry, the latter being his favorite class at Apex.
Besides academics and clarinet, Henry loves to play guitar. “It’s more like an obsession,” said Boyd. He has a band called Light the Atlantic, and that’s his main commitment outside of school. He also enjoys watching movies, though his favorites change with his mood. “Currently, I’d have to say Gone With the Wind,he decided. In general, Boyd likes music, walking around lakes, and reading. His favorite books include both Outliers and Blink by Malcolm Gladwell, whom he said is “very good at writing interesting non-fiction.”
Boyd is very influenced by school, and he counts a few teachers among his favorites. He especially likes Coach Little, Mr. Oltmans, and Ms. Keller, who “floats on a hover-throne above the scale,” according to Boyd. He plans to attend N.C. State and study computer science engineering and chemistry. When asked about his future plans, Boyd says that ideally, he would be a professional musician with his band, but the back-up plan would be to work towards a career at SAS, where he interned over the summer.