
February 24, 2012

Scholar Athlete: Collin Gibbons

Jake Pedersen
Senior Collin Gibbons, left, receiving a baton
pass from junior Jalen Ware, right.

Staff WriterSenior Collin Gibbons, Track
GPA: 4.6071
Schedule: Honors Spanish IV, AP Statistics, Honors Physics, AP European History
Favorite Teacher: Betty Brown.  "That class helped me improve my writing more than any other and made me realize I enjoy classical literature." 

‘A’ Honor Role, ‘A/B’ Honor Role, Academic Emphasis Award,
NCHSAA Scholar Athlete, AP Scholar award, I know how to tie a bow tie and am the proud  owner of 7 bow ties1st in District Competition in Sports and Entertainment Marketing,7th in State Competition in Entrepreneurship Written - sophomore year, 2nd in District Competition in Sports and Entertainment Marketing (Individual), 1st in State Competition in Public Relations Chapter Project, 5th in State Competition in Team Marketing Decision Making,13th in International Competition in Public Relations Chapter Project - junior year
Athletic Achievements:
2nd in the State Games for 4x400 relay during summer track between sophomore and junior years. 1st at the Ravenscroft meet last year on the middle distance relay. 3rd all-time for the 500. 7th all-time for the 300 (3rd if only counting meets run indoors). 2nd all-time in the 4x200 relay (might be 3rd so check on that)
1st all-time in the 4x400 relay for Indoor.
Favorite Movie: Anchorman.  "It’s so good."
Favorite Actor/Actress: Will Ferrell
Favorite Music: “Indie and Folk but I like everything.”
Favorite Band: Mumford and Sons
Favorite Food: Italian food                          
Other Hobbies: Guitar
Future Plans: "I plan to attend a four-year college (probably UNC Chapel Hill unless I am accepted to the University of Pennsylvania) to study business, probably with a concentration in finance and possibly a minor in political science. After college, I hope to either attend graduate school to get an MBA or enter  the professional world, ideally on Wall Street in New York as I hope to ultimately work with the stock exchange."