
June 04, 2014

This summer's hottest concerts

Sarah Kebea 
Arts and Entertainment Editor

Summer is almost here!  Celebrate with friends and good music at our local venues:

June 03, 2014

Seniors attending in-state colleges

Maps based on information received in senior superlative surveys

Seniors attending out-of-state colleges

Maps based on information received in senior superlative surveys.

June 02, 2014

Apex senior superlatives 2014

Shauna Hines and Mariane Ghazaleh
Staff Writers

Check out the winners of Apex High School’s 2014 senior superlatives.

Check the talents and advice of some of the superlative winners.
America's Got Talent female winner
America's Got Talent male winner
Best advice female winner
Best advice male winner

Number 1 and 2 in the class of 2014

Shauna Hines
Staff Writer

Salutatorian - Leah Weaver

GPA: 5.11 weighted, 4.0 unweighted

Scholarships/Awards: “Miss Margaret” ADK Scholarship, Apex Rotary Club Scholarship, and William Bristol Scholar at Hamilton College

College Plans: Hamilton College in upstate New York

Art project reaches out to women in the STEM field

Art students create mural
Mariane Ghazeleh
Staff Writer

There is a national problem with attracting women to careers in STEM fields. Studies have shown that many women are highly skilled in the STEM fields; they make great programmers and are creative problem solvers. However, women don’t feel equipped to succeed in a mainly masculine field, and lack a sense of belonging in the techie, sometimes nerdy, atmosphere. According to the Association of American Colleges and Universities, “Women earned 17 percent of bachelor’s degrees in engineering, compared to 79 percent of bachelor’s degrees in education (Planty et al. 2009). Within STEM fields, women’s under representation is particularly severe in majors like computer science, physics, and engineering—fields that include better-paying jobs after graduation.” Celeste Smith, a programming teacher at Apex High, found a way to counteract the problem: painting a mural on one of the walls in her classroom.